Has Anyone Ever Randomly Typed In A Serial Key

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Has anyone ever randomly typed in a serial key

Today we have find out and gonna share with you windows 10 product keys, serial keys that are guaranteed to work 100%. Could anyone walk me though getting a key.

Active7 years, 2 months ago
  • Hi, I'm trying to license Log Insight 3.3.0 using the free licenses that now come with it. I've typed in the same serial number as I have for my vCenter.
  • If the table referenced by customer_id is having primary key typed big serial, customer_id shall be declared as bigint? Serial and big serial are basically syntactic sugar for creating the table with an int / bigint, create a sequence, create a default for.

We're designing a PIC based system. We would like that users enter a serial key (registration key) like the one commonly found in desktop software. For our system, we will have the user's email address and/or his cellphone number. The system is a standalone device with a keyboard and display. The system will allow the user to pay by punching in a specific registration code that he purchased via SMS. The user will send a SMS to a server. The server would use the provided user's email or/and phone number and generate a unique registration key.Does anyone has clues on how to get started?

Dillion Ecmark
Dillion EcmarkDillion Ecmark

5 Answers


I am targeting this answer at what can realistically be achieved on a PIC microprocessor.

I would generate a random number on the PIC, the common way to do this is to use the A2D as a noise generator and repeatedly sample the LSB. Once you have this, append a check digit or two and display it to the user. The check digits will allow you (on the server that receives the text) to guard against billing the user for a miss-typed code.

On the server, take the users code, strip the check digits, run it through a Linear Feedback Shift Register that is pre-loaded with a secret value. Charge the user, if the payment clears, text back the output code.

Your PIC chip needs to know the secret too, and repeats the calculation. You might want to try Microchips CRC Generator hardware eg. AN1148 shows how to use the hardware LSFR. Load in the secret, then clock in the random challenge. Compare this to what the user keys in - a result that matches most likely means a purchase.

I'd have a supervisor mode if this is a kiosk, rather than single device, to allow the re-loading of another secret code, or pattern of LFSR taps, secured by physical access and store this in the NVRAM. This way you can at least change the encoding over time, or in response to a break. Add NVRAM counters to compare local purchases against server approvals to monitor slippage. Watch your wear-levelling though!

This is only as 'secure' as your secret and technique staying private. It would be relatively trivial for anyone who can dump a hex image from your machine to reverse the algorithm from the assembler, although presumably anyone with physical access has simpler techniques to get the product without paying. Similarly anyone willing to guess the technique, buy a code and another for validation could guess the technique and do a brute force search for the secret.

I don't think full public key cryptography is viable on these machines, so this is a compromise. Porting OpenSSL is going to be non trivial and use up a significant portion of your developer time and code space. If it's not a missile launch code, or you need to protect users details, or guarantee votes in an election, public key cryptography is probably more than required for your revenue protection case. Caveat emptor.


Use an MD5 hash. This will create a 128-bit key, so you can represent that as 32 hex characters. A hash never can guarantee uniqueness, but the length will decrease the chances of coinciding hashes. If 32 hex characters is too long you can truncate it to the desired length.

If you need a unique serial key you have to append a unique number, like customer number, to the hashed user data, so that it's not included in the hash calculation.

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If a registration code must work on one and only one device and no other devices, then this could be a good use for public/private key architecture.

It works like this: Your server will have a public key and a private key. The private key is always kept secret. The public key is viewable to anyone who wants to see it (although we won't be needing to do that in this case). If the server encrypts something with its private key, then only its public key can decrypt it. If somebody else encrypts something with its public key, then only the server can decrypt it with its private key.

This accomplishes two things

  1. By having the server encrypt ('sign') something with its privatekey, we can verify that it's really coming from the server bydecrypting it with its public key. We can authenticate the sourceof the message.

  2. If we encrypt something with its public key, then only the servercan ever decrypt it, thus we can send it messages that no one elsebut the server can read.

If we have the device have its own set of public and private keys, and a copy of the server's public key, then we can establish messages between the two that no-one else can read.

So you could have a system that work like this:

Server side, a database schema that maps device serial numbers to their public keys. When someone makes a purchase, they must provide this serial number. When a purchase request comes in via SMS, the server stores the phone number and looks up the device's public key from the provided serial number. When it is found, it will hash, then encrypt the SMS phone number using the device's public key, then that entire cipher would then be encrypted again using the server's private key. It sends this back to the user via SMS.

When the user punches in this hex string, the device will first decrypt using the server's public key - this is to ensure that it actually came from the server. That removes the first layer. Then it decrypts using its own secret private key, this should give you the hashed SMS number. Get the user to enter in their phone number and hash it. If the hashes match, then procede.

If you need to have sessions that expire, include a time stamp along with phone number hash before the encryption on the server side and have the device make the decision of whether or not that key is still fresh.

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Has Anyone Ever Randomly Typed In A Serial Key For Windows 10

Here is a primer on public/private key architecture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptography

What you would be interested in is:

  1. Choosing a method to generate public/private key pairs
  2. Choosing an encryption method to encrypt data using this keys.
Jon LJon L
3,9281 gold badge18 silver badges33 bronze badges

If the system will have a serial number that you generate burned into a protected area of the code space, you could simply program each unit with an activation key along with the serial number. This would require you to ensure that you keep track of the issued serial numbers and associated activation codes, but if the codes are generated randomly, you could avoid the risk of someone discovering the algorithm used to generate the keys. If you don't want to worry about keeping track of all the issued keys, you could use an algorithm to generate them, and have some attribute of the algorithm set differently for each batch of devices (you could, for example, encrypt the keys for each batch with a hash of the lottery numbers drawn for the New York State Lotto the Friday before the batch was produced. Even if your own records were destroyed, you would be able to go back and find out what the numbers were, but it's unlikely someone would be able to reverse-engineer the fact that the lottery numbers were the source data for the hash, especially since the number of discrete batches would be small compared to the number of units.

If you will be using a serial number which you are not supplying (e.g. a device serial number burned into a flash chip) then you have two main choices: have the device use the serial number to compute what the key should be, or have software in the factory (outside the device) munge the serial number in a confidential way to yield a key which, when munged a certain way by the device, will yield the serial number. The latter approach has the advantage that even if someone were to reverse-engineer the key-validation code in the device, they would be unable to generate keys that would work for arbitrary serial numbers. It would, however, have the disadvantage that keys would probably have to be a minimum of 128 bytes to have anything resembling security (given today's advances in CPU technology, 256 bytes would be better). Not a problem if your device would be connected to a PC or portable memory device for purposes of activation, but not so great if people are entering a code via thumbwheel.


Has Anyone Ever Randomly Typed In A Serial Key

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You could generate a digital signature from the users user's email or/and phone number using the OpenSSL libary that has public key cryptography functions that would be suitable.It might be hard to find space for code for verification in a PIC chip in which casea simpler and much less secure system based on a checksum/hash on the email/phone number may have to suffice- in that case be sure to salt the email/phone number to prevent users from discovering the checksum algorithm by trial and error.


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Active4 years, 5 months ago

I've been programming on Windows for a few years, and there has been an issue that is becoming increasingly frustrating as I have really started to use various terminals in Windows for my development purposes. To login to remote machines, I use PuTTy, and I recently discovered Cygwin, which I have found to be a really great shell. I also have a MacBook Pro and I use Terminal a bit as well.

What I have noticed is that without me typing anything, 8~ will type itself into my terminal, and if I leave the computer for 10 or 15 minutes, I will regularly see something like:


In addition, when I am in emacs, I notice that numbers will randomly appear without having typed them such as 012, or 34, etc. This has happened to me on a variety of different Windows machines, and I have tried probably hundreds of different Google searches to try and ascertain why this is occuring, and I have had absolutely no luck in finding out what is causing this.

I would really appreciate any help in this. I know this isn't really a programming question per se, but I assumed Stack Overflow wouldn't appreciate this question and since you are all programmers, I figure that one of you would have some insight.

Thanks very much.

All I wanted to do is to play this game, since to me it was like the elders scroll. I have a similar, although less complicated issue of not remembering either of my character names, even though I have all my other information. THE BEST GAME I had ever played, but thanks to the HACKERS back than they put in the requirement for putting in your character name. 1) Lost my box, so don't have Serial Code (Was small back than, didn't think of writing it down) 2) Forgot the names of my characters 3) Forgot my Password NOW is there someone that can help me PLEASE?! Guild wars 2 serial key is invalid.

EDIT: I originally posted this on www.programmers.stackexchange.com and I got three comments asking me for clarification, so I am reposting the question with the asked clarification.

  1. It's almost certainly some form of keepalive, but the context isn'tquite clear. You're on Windows, using PuTTy, and connecting to emacson another machine, and getting random characters? What have youtried to isolate it? Do they show up if you just open a window andnot connect? If you just open a console window?

It happens when I just use emacs/Cygwin locally, and it also happens when I use emacs via puTTy when logging into my school's linux server. I don't really know what I can do to isolate it, I don't even know the cause! It never happens on mac, either locally or when I log into the same server, so I assume the issue must be local. Since it happens when I log into my school server either through Cygwin or putty, as well as when I am just using Cygwin with emacs locally, it must be something with Windows.

  1. Does this happen only from Windows or also from the Mac? Does it happen only when you're logging in to a particular machine, or to others as well? If it's only to a particular machine, what OS is it running (what distribution, what version)? Is this correlated with moving the mouse? Your question is off-topic here, but if you add the information we've requested, you could repost it on Super User.

No it does not happen in the Mac locally or when I log into the school server. It happens to me with Windows 8 Pro and Windows 7 Ultimate.

Arthur ColléArthur Collé

3 Answers

In my case, the periodic output of the 8~ character sequence is due to a background process coupled with my cygwin shell (64-bit Windows7) window being the active window. To disable screen-saver mode from being entered every x minutes and locking my work computer, I installed a program called caffeine.exe, which, in the background, simulates periodic input activity (keyboard or mouse; I'm not 100% sure right now). I see the same periodic 8~ character string output about every minute, which is probably when the simulated input is generated. In summary, if my cygwin window is not the active window, or if my cygwin window is the active window but I disable caffeine, no 8~ characters appear; otherwise, I see 8~.


Greg HopkinsGreg Hopkins

Sometimes, seemingly 'random' characters can appear in terminals or some Linux programs in Cygwin/SSH because you've typed a keyboard key that isn't mapped on the machine. A big culprit of this would be macro or multimedia keys on extended keyboards, or (in rarer circumstances) if you have a Fn key on your keyboard that you need to use for certain keystrokes. These keys may be unmapped by the OS you're controlling and so may appear in terminals or other places where text can be typed as the raw keyboard code/character that the keyboard sends to the OS to be interpreted. It's the same reason why Conrol+C will appear in terminals as ^C, for instance.

Has Anyone Ever Randomly Typed In A Serial Key Generator

What might be happening is that you hit a key combination or pressed a key on your keyboard that isn't mapped by Linux on that particular machine, and ended up getting typed into your terminal or text editor. Or, there could be a regular event set up on the computer that triggers the keypress automatically and causes it to appear.

You didn't specify if it happens when you type something or even if you're not. But in my experience, this is why you might see this occur.


Through some trial and error messing around with Cygwin, I discovered what the 8~ is associated with.

Has Anyone Ever Randomly Typed In A Serial Key Code

It appears when you type the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Del. I don't know why it appears so often, but something on your computer is apparently triggering that input. It could be some software running in the background or perhaps a faulty keyboard.

Has Anyone Ever Randomly Typed In A Serial Keys

You can try verifying this yourself. I'd first try a different keyboard and, if that doesn't help, start going through your running processes and use process of elimination to try and isolate which one it is.

Ben RichardsBen Richards
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On Unix-like operating systems, programs use various terminal features (colors, cursor movement, etc.) by sending escape sequences to the terminal. The terminal itself sends escape sequences to programs when you press various special keys, or (if the program has enabled it) use the mouse within the terminal window, or in response to certain queries.

These sequences always start with an ESC byte, which in various places may appear as ^[ (which actually means Ctrl[, but it's the same byte because of how ASCII works), so ^[[2~ is actually ESC, [, 2, ~.

(The bash shell runs in 'raw' mode and interprets some keypress sequences, such as arrow keys. When it does not recognize the sequence being input, it discards the part it saw, and continues interpreting the remaining part as regular keypresses – that's why half of the sequence, such as the ~, end up inserted in the command line. On the other hand, when you run cat or are compiling something, everything that you input is displayed in full by the terminal itself, so you can see the full 'undamaged' sequences. That's why I asked you to run cat.)

Frequently, sequences that represent key presses end with a ~. Out of the two you mentioned in your comment, ESC [ 2 ~, corresponds to the Insert key. The other one (ESC [ 8 ~) I can't find even in PuTTY's source code [yet]. So I'm not sure if you remembered the codes correctly.

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